Holding sessions via Telehealth has proven to be easy and convenient to clients. There is no longer a need to plan extra time around your appointments, for travel and parking. Telehealth uses the client’s phone or computer to connect with the therapist, in any location. I use the platform, Simple Practice, to provide confidential and HIPAA compliant sessions. Below are some ideas for setting yourself up to be comfortable and undisturbed during a Telehealth session.

  • Download the app Telehealth for SimplePractice to the device you will use for sessions.

  • Prior to the start of your session ensure that your wireless connection is strong and that there aren’t multiple devices connected to it which could interfere with the quality of the image or sound. If using your cell phone please put it into “do not disturb mode” to prevent interruptions.

  • Pick a space that is confidential. Part of being able to openly communicate is having the understanding that it is just you and your therapist in the room. Therapists try to ensure this by making sure a space is sound proof, as well as minimizing other distractions.

  • Choose seating that is comfortable! Maybe that is a recliner or a space outside in the shade. Being aware of the temperature in your space will assist you in staying comfortable throughout the session. With that being said please feel free to have a blanket or fan near by if needed.

  • Just as in a more traditional therapeutic setting you are always welcome to take notes on what we are discussing.

  • I tend to keep water/beverage with me throughout the day and encourage clients to do the same.